The Bodhisatta was once a spirit of the sea. One time he heard a “water crow” flying over the ocean, telling schools of fish and flocks of birds not to drink too much water. The Bodhisatta asked the water crow why he was doing this, and he answered that he was worried they would drink it all. Realizing the bird was a greedy fool, the Bodhisatta took a terrifying shape and chased him away.
In the Lifetime of the Buddha
The “water crow” was an earlier birth of Upananda, a hypocritical disciple of the Buddha known for being extremely greedy while simultaneously preaching to others the importance of living a simple, virtuous life. During the rainy season, Upananda would leave something of his, such as an umbrella, waterpot, or walking stick, in a few different monasteries so he could collect robes from each of them.
At the monastery where he actually resided for the rainy season, Upananda encouraged the other disciples to replace their nice robes and alms bowls with rags and clay pots in order to develop their practice. Then he took all the discarded good robes and bowls for himself, and at the end of the rainy season he loaded everything he had gathered into a cart and hauled it to his regular monastery.
Many disciples were displeased with Upananda, and when the Buddha heard them discussing his greed, he said not only were Upananda’s actions wrong, but one should not preach until they have mastered the lesson themselves. Then he told them this story so they knew that Upananda had been similarly greedy in the past.