The Bodhisatta was once a merchant. He lived a thoroughly righteous life, giving charity and observing the holy days, and so did his family and all his workers. He kept a special couch and bed in his home specifically for use if anyone with purer morals than his own ever visited.
One time, daughters of the gods of the East and West went to bathe in the sacred Lake Anotatta at the same time. They quarreled over who should get to bathe first, each believing she was more worthy than the other. Unable to agree, they asked their fathers to choose. But they couldn’t decide either, so they asked the gods of the North and South, and they passed the matter to Indra, king of the gods, who also refused to settle the dispute. Indra told the two daughters to visit the Bodhisatta at his home, and whichever of them was offered his couch and bed would be the one worthy of bathing first.
The first goddess wore a blue (an unlucky color) dress and jewelry and dove down from heaven as if shot from a catapult. She stood in the air above the Bodhisatta, who asked who she was and what she wanted from him. He then asked her about the type of people she associated with, and she answered honestly that her friends were unruly, miserable, greedy, dishonest, cruel, and arrogant. Thinking she was both wicked and ugly, the Bodhisatta sent her away.
Then the second goddess came bathed in a golden hue and stood respectfully by the Bodhisatta. He asked her the same questions, and she told him she loved people who were mild-mannered, responsible, friendly, honest, and kind. Pleased by her words and demeanor, the Bodhisatta invited her to stay the night using his special couch and bed. In the morning, she returned to heaven and bathed in the lake.
In the Lifetime of the Buddha
One day the Buddha heard some of his disciples discussing whether Anathapindika, a wealthy supporter of the Buddha known for his extreme generosity, and his family were truly virtuous. The Buddha told them that Anathapindika and his entire household did live righteously. Then he shared this story of his own past life when he also kept a pure home.
The superior goddess was an earlier birth of Uppalavanna, one of the Buddha’s top female disciples.